Please visit this site to learn more about this beautiful little girl name
Reese and her journey.
Reese and her family are such an inspiration to me. A group of my friends and I created homemade jewelry tonight to sell on her behalf to help with the extraordinary medical expenses they are facing.
Please take time to read about sweet Reese and her family.
And consider buying some of my handmade jewelry to go towards a great cause.

This first earring pair is made with purple, silver, and white jewels. I included two purple shells and a "believe" and "wish" jewel. Since I am hoping, praying, believing and wishing the best for Reese. Perhaps, this could be for someone who is also going through a hard time who you believe in.

This second nautical pair is made with brown and blue hues and includes fish and lifeboat jewels. I really like this pair and hope it can go to someone who loves the beach as much as I do.The earrings are being sold for $10.00 each plus shipping. The first person to respond to this post with their email information can receive their chosen pair for $10.00 plus shipping. I plan to make more in the future.MnM's: Monday Night Mamas
Lastly, here are some of the ladies I created the jewelry with tonight. They are some of my favorite friends who I meet with once a week. We call ourselves, the Monday Night Mamas.