Lovebug Family August Happenings...
Little Ladybug is doing fabulous with her
cochlear implant. The day her implant was activated was not world changing for her, she even declared the device was, "too loud." But as she has become accustomed to the new & different sounds she is more aware of her surroundings. She frequently will cup her ear and say, "What's that noise?" Many sounds are new for her, so we explain what they are. Or she will tell us she hears something. Just the other night, she ran inside to tell me on her nightly walk with Papa, that she heard an owl hooting for the first time. This makes us so excited as parents to see her new discoveries and learn more about the world around her. Her first
mapping session at
CASTLE will be next week.
my Sisters!!! |
Mrs. Ladybug has been having a great couple of weeks. Since my Campath treatment & last Duke appointment, I have been feeling on the upswing. I have also had lots of quality time with my extended family recently which is some of the best medicine for my soul. I am still in the process of the transplant evaluation. Once I complete it, the doctors will have a better idea of listing time. Right now my goals are to work on strength training and weight. I've lost alot of weight recently and am back to my pre-tx cf malnutrition weight status. My doctors want me to get a feeding tube to help fatten me up. I've had two feeding tubes in my past and although I am really not looking forward to the procedure or sporting around a smelly, uncomfortable, long tube that connects to my innards, I know it's whats best right now.
FosterBug is still with us and is doing well. We are praying that long term plans to be with us will be in FB's future. We don't know how it will all pan out, but we know if it's in God's plan, things will come together. Mr. & Mrs. L saw the movie, The Odd Life of Timothy Green. I really enjoyed the movie and cried throughout it. I could really relate to so much of the story line. I think this is a must see for all parents, but especially for those who have adopted and fostered. This movie reminds me of just how thankful I am for fosterbug and the impact FB has had on our lives. It hasn't always been easy, but so worth the while. The last several lines of the movie resonated with my heart so much. I was basically crying like a baby by the last scene. Please take your family to see this film!
Our friends Jesse & Whitney at the Surfin' Spoon |
I have been beyond encouraged by the out pour of love, generosity, prayers, and thoughts of others. We have had two fundraisers to try and raise Duke's recommended $25,000 goal for transplant expenses and have raised between $6-7,000. : ) Our community is beyond wonderful and I am very thankful for everyone involved. Especially to Milepost 13,
South Beach Grille,
Surfin' Spoon, & friends and family at
Nags Head Church.
Mr. Lovebug has been very busy this summer. When he is not working at NHC as a worship leader, he has been working nights taking pictures for his business,
Nathan Lawrenson Photography. To help with our family's growing medical expenses. On most of his days off this summer, he has been driving Gwyneth and I to our appointments at Duke & UNC. He is a man I deeply love and cherish. Mr. Lovebug started off his love of photography, not of personal portraits but of the OBX scenery. I've included a recent picture he has taken at one of his favorite locations,
the pier.
“Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses
to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away.”
-Sarah Kay |
Definitions for italicized words:
Cochlear Implant: "A cochlear implant consists of an internal and external component. The
internal component is surgically inserted under the skin behind the ear,
and a narrow wire is threaded into the inner ear. The external
component, which looks somewhat like a behind-the-ear hearing aid, is
connected to the internal one through the skin via an external magnetic
Incoming sounds are converted to electrical currents and directed to a
number of contact points on the internal wire. This operation creates an
electrical field which directly stimulates the auditory nerve, thus
bypassing the defective inner ear. Unlike hearing aids, cochlear
implants convert sound waves to electrical impulses and transmit them to
the inner ear, providing people with the ability to hear sounds and
potentially better understand speech without reading lips."
Mapping: programming a cochlear implant to the specifications and needs of its user.