

This post says it so well, cfhusband.blogspot.com

It speaks about the fragile and precious first few days of my daughter's life. She was born at 24 weeks old. At the beginning, it was not recommended for me to continue my pregnancy, but I held onto God's promises. I held on with all my strength to my faith.

A beautiful "blessed white rose" was born. Our one pound, six ounce miracle is a great witness to God's faithfulness and protection over the life of the unborn. Even in the most precarious of situations, she was protected and survived her 24 week arrival. Life is sacred.


  1. I'm so happy that you've started blogging. I love to follow your families life. You and Nate are such great parents and I love to see the communications between you two on FB.

    I signed on to follow, but for some reason it didn't use my picture. Hmmm, not sure what's up with that. Makes me feel kind of like a stalker! lol

  2. I remember holding my breath as I followed your journey of transplant and our sweet Gwyneth's birth. You are both living miracles in my life. I love this picture so much and yes, every life is sacred:) Love you girls and Nate too.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  3. YAY! I love blogs and I'm so happy to follow yours!! =)

  4. 3 years later I still almost cry at the pictures of you holding baby Gwyneth.

  5. the picture of you looking into each other's eyes is so precious!
